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Custom Order Form
What type of favors do you need?

Please take shipping of supplies and ingredients, time to fulfill entire order, shipping your completed order to you (if applicable), and planning everything under consideration before submitting request. Make sure you're not requesting something too last-minute.

You're more than welcome to inquire about your ideas with me before placing the order (I'll give you a rough estimate on timeline but pricing and planning will only be discussed once order is placed. Please understand that my time is valuable and considered when calculating your total amount billed.)

A $25 non-refundable deposit is required before any project is started and a separate invoice (if applicable) is sent once details are finalized and agreed upon.

I do not order any custom supplies, ingredients, and packaging, or start your order until full payment is received.

Thank you so much! You'll receive an email to further discuss your request in detail within 24-48 hours.

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